has it only been one month? seems like it's always been this way.
I love trying to stuff ourselves into our miniature house.
I love going to costco with you (even more than when we were just dating)
I love hanging my clothes next to yours
I love waking up every morning for 30days with you breathing out of your mouth next to me
I love people calling you "mr. thurston" and people calling me "mrs. porter"
I love watching shooting star after shooting star with you under the thick sky in boipeba
I love instant oatmeal with you
I love missing you so much when you come home at the end of the day that I just need to smother you
I love you going into the garage so I don't have to
I love going to "grown up" church with you
I love me always asking you if you have the keys
I love that we both know who "patti" is
I love when you say its time to invest in new camera/computer equipment
I love being able to tell when you are tired 20 minutes before you can
I love your ski slope toenail
I love you trying
I love you being so patient with me wanting to be a rockstar
I love cadwell talk
I love getting to go to seattle with you
I love sharing everything
I love you always wanting to pray or have family counsels or fhe
I love that I have my very own boy
I love my husband
happy one month to us. I am so happy.