
Baby fever.

It seems everyone I know has recently had one or will in the next year. This is good news for me because I love myself some babies!!

Aven was 12 days old when I took these...now he must be 14 days old. Stop Growing!!! Stay little forever!!! He is the cutest little crumpliest smooshiest thing you've ever seen. Too cute to stop kissing. Too cute to stop staring. Too cute to stop taking pictures. He was so easy to photograph. A little feeding here, and little diaper change there and he was good to go.

Despite what some of the pictures show, he did not want to close his eyes. Most times you can't beg a newborn to open their eyes and Aven wouldn't do the opposite! He made a lot of eye contact which is also rare. This little guy didn't want to miss any of the action....a little bit like his dad, if you ask me. He also has as many shoes as his dad, which believe me is LOTS. Coolest kid on the block already.

Lindsey is a pro. She can quote any baby fact by heart and throws him around like she's had 20. I know who to call when the time comes for me to ask questions.

I loved being there. Thanks for letting me invade your home. Tell him to stop growing till I can see him again!