Theo's Birth video from hailey bartholomew on Vimeo.
Disclaimer: This video shows breasts and breast feeding but is otherwise discreet. You will probably cry and will watch it on repeat.
This video has made the rounds on the internet..and for good reason. It is magic. Anytime Grant and I feel stressed out about the "unknowns" we snuggle up and watch this. We both cry (even though we have watched it numerous times) and our anxiety is replaced with a surge of excitement and energy.
We are choosing to have a home birth.
Our midwives from the Sanctuary birthing center are amazing and enlightened. They are knowledgeable and warm. Our experience with them has been reassuring and extremely positive. We leave our pre-natal appointments and both feel satisfaction and contentment. I feel taken care of. Grant feels taken care of and I have no doubt our little lady feels the same.
We know that no matter how much preparation or planning we do...our baby girl may have other plans for her birth. We both feel strongly that the best thing we can do is stay flexible and open minded. So far so good and I feel so grateful for the peaceful feeling this desicion has left on me.
As much as we love Theo's birth, we have no preconceived idea of how our daughters birth "should be"...rather we feel it "will be" how it needs to be and we can only do our best to prepare mentally and physically for her grand entrance.
We are reading some amazing books that once I have finished, and formulated my opinions of each, I will share.
Yesterday one of my best friends gave birth to her second child, a dashing fellow named Major. His delivery was beautiful and empowering and full of love...and it was not at home. I am overwhelmed at the sacrifice mothers, fathers and families give in order to let a little human have a chance at life. I draw so much strength and goodness from the women that have gone before me and have shown me IT IS POSSIBLE. No matter how you choose to birth, I am in awe that you choose at all.
We welcome positive and encouraging comments.
(read about Theo's birth here. I follow gregarious peach's blog and it is one of the highlights of my day.)